Mr. obama's latest bill would give him emergency powers over the internet. This bill basically states that in an emergency, he'd be able to basically pull the kill switch on the internet. Now i don't know what else this bill states but based on the information above I'd say he's trying, and to some extent already is, to control any and every aspect of our lives. It's not just him either, theres quite a few in govt. that want to restrict some of our freedoms, for example, some people of the government aren't to happy with all that Glen Beck is saying about Mr. Obama and "the czars". Glen Beck is only exercising his right of freedom of speech and media. The government has no right even touching our freedoms in any way. As a matter of fact, the USA is close to becoming socialist. Barrack Obama has already taken steps towards becoming a socialist nation. He's already gotten way to involved in the economy,(our recession is no excuse) and wants to make health care run by the government and mandatory for all (or you'll receive a fine). Our nation is headed to a vary dangerous and dark path. If you don't believe it look at Mr. Obama's education, he was sent by is communist step father to be educated in the middle east in the ways of socialsim and communism, If that isn't enough than i'm sorry that you can't realize the truth.
P.S. I'm only expressing my opinion, if you are offended in any way....OH WELL... Keep it up Mr. Glen Beck. Heres a link to the article about the most recent bill.
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